6 Tips to Get Back Into Your Exercise Routine

Getting back on your fitness routines after a long hiatus is harder than it sounds. We may all have our reasons, but you soon see that you can find time even in your busy, busy schedule, especially when you like the place you work out! Here are 6 tips to help you get back into your exercise routine.

Start now.

Don’t schedule it it later or tomorrow. Visit your nearest gym, explore which workout works best for you and start exercising NOW!

Start slow and small.

Set a small milestone on your first try. Aim for one or two 45-minute sessions per week when you begin going to the gym. Do half of what you were doing before you stopped. Slowly reintroduce exercise to your body to avoid injury and adding another excuse to why you’re not exercising!

Be consistent.

If you allot 45 minutes per gym session, do it the next following weeks. At least twice a week. At the same hour.

Exercise with a friend.

According to Dr. James Annesi from YMCA of Metropolitan Atlanta, people are less likely to quit exercising when they can fight the boredom.
Having a friend keeps you engaged and committed. You have chats, and you hold each other accountable to your respective fitness goals.

Focus on your goals.

Transform your mind into an athlete’s perspective. Instead of focusing on how unfit your body looks, focus on your goals. Write them down. More sets and repetitions. Lifting higher and higher weights on the bar or dumbbells. More kilometres. Increasing speed and endurance.

Notice that we don’t include weight goals: that’s just a bonus. And looking at the scales can be tricky because muscle is heavier than fat!

Also, don’t let other people’s expectations pressure you on your fitness track. Instead, use it as your motivation to move towards your goal.

Use an app as your exercise buddy.

MyFitnessPal Android | iOS
– allows you to monitor your weight, eating habits, calorie intake and even your goals’ progress. It also has the same feature of an engaging community like Code5, where you can make friends, join groups, find tips and advices and get motivated with other people’s success.

Myzone Heart Tracking AndroidiOS
– helps you monitor your heart rate, burned calories and the workout intensity.
– With the MZ-3 Belt attached to your body, it tracks the movement of your body and sends data to the app through a bluetooth connection. You can go back to your data results anytime to analyze your workout habits. Cool, right?


Get Back on the Fitness Game with Code5

Gym goers have higher motivation, surrounded by other people working out and coached by a qualified trainer, who makes sure you challenge yourself without injury.

There’s friendly competition present that you won’t find when you workout alone or at home. Plus, gyms give you the time to focus on your workout. You’re not distracted by your pending work, upcoming deadlines or chores at home.

Exercising is exciting when you’re surrounded by people who’ll support your fitness journey.  With #Code5, you’re guaranteed the greatest support while you keep breaking a sweat on your workouts.

Ready to get started? Sign up for a free trial  or contact us here to get a glimpse of the Code5 experience.

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